Wednesday 16 Oct 2024 - 12:00

05:15 pm


Final Statement of the Christian-Islamic Spiritual Summit in Bkerki

NNA - A final statement was issued on Wednesday by the Christian-Islamic Spiritual Summit, held at the Patriarchal See in Bkerki, and delivered by Patriarchal Vicar Bishop Antoine Akar. The statement reads:

"Out of a sense of spiritual, moral, and national responsibility, and in an effort to inspire positive change in Lebanese society and urge the rescue of the homeland, the Christian-Islamic Spiritual Summit was convened on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, in Bkerki, at the invitation of His Beatitude and Eminence Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, with the participation of Muslim and Christian spiritual leaders: His Beatitude Patriarch of Antioch and All the East for the Maronites Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, Grand Mufti of the Republic of Lebanon Sheikh Abdel Latif Derian, Deputy Head of the Supreme Islamic Shiite Council Sheikh Ali Khatib, His Beatitude Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch John X Yazigi, Sheikh Akl of the Druze community Sheikh Sami Abi al-Muna, His Beatitude Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarch Joseph Absi, represented by Bishop Georges Bacouni, His Holiness Catholicos of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarch Aram I Keshishian, represented by Bishop Shahe Panossian, His Beatitude Syriac Catholic Patriarch Mar Ignatius Joseph III Younan, represented by Bishop Charles Murad, His Holiness Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Mar Ignatius Aphrem II, represented by Bishop Paul Safar, Head of the Alawite Islamic Council Sheikh Ali Qaddour, Head of the Supreme Council of Evangelical Communities in Lebanon and Syria Rev. Joseph Kassab, Chaldean Bishop Michel Kassarji, Head of the Assyrian Orthodox Church in Lebanon Metropolitan Mar Meelis Zia, represented by Archimandrite Georges Toma, and the Reverend Fr. Andraos al-Antouni, Head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Lebanon, with the presence of other esteemed dignitaries.

The discussions delved deeply into the brutal and savage aggression Israel is waging against Lebanon, in blatant disregard for international treaties and laws, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, showing no concern for the United Nations or the Security Council and their resolutions. Israel continues its use of violence, destruction, killing, and genocide, demolishing structures, institutions, and homes over their inhabitants. This comes after Israel completely destroyed Gaza, killing children, women, and the elderly, and demolishing hospitals, mosques, and churches.

Faced with this catastrophic and tragic humanitarian reality, unprecedented in modern history in terms of the horrors of the atrocities and the silence surrounding them, as well as the level of complacency and failure to take the necessary deterrent actions against Israel to maintain international peace and security, the spiritual leaders of Lebanon convened. This inclusive national meeting extended heartfelt condolences to the people of southern Lebanon, the Bekaa, Beirut and its suburbs, and all regions targeted by Israeli aggression. They expressed their deepest sympathies for the martyrs of the nation, who sacrificed their lives defending Lebanon, and the innocent victims among civilians, women, children, the elderly, and the vulnerable, praying for the speedy recovery of the injured.


The summit affirmed that the savage Israeli aggression targets all of Lebanon and undermines the dignity and pride of every Lebanese citizen. The Lebanese, through their unity, solidarity, and attachment to their land and country, are capable of standing firm and repelling the enemy. The summit stressed that solutions for Lebanon must only come through inclusive national solutions, rooted in adherence to the Lebanese constitution, the Taif Agreement, the authority of the Lebanese state, its sovereignty, and its responsible role in protecting the nation, ensuring national sovereignty, and upholding its obligations towards its people, guaranteeing their security, stability, and prosperity.

Based on this, the summit concluded with the following:

1. Immediate UN Security Council Action: The summit calls for an immediate and decisive convening of the Security Council to stop the ongoing humanitarian massacre against Lebanon, a nation that stands as a remarkable example in this region, embodying the values of justice, equality, tolerance, openness, and peaceful coexistence between followers of different religions and cultures. As Pope John Paul II described Lebanon, it is a message of peace and love.

2. A Call for National Unity: The summit urges all Lebanese to save their country. This is no time for futile debates, nor a moment for personal demands and gains. Now is the time to prove our worth as united Lebanese citizens, deserving of our belonging to this nation that the world admires. It is a time for understanding, cooperation, and meeting, for Lebanon’s very existence is at risk. Israel’s ambitions know no bounds in time or place. Now is the time for sacrifice to save Lebanon, a time for solidarity, and a time for unity. Trust among citizens must be strengthened, and cooperation is needed to build a capable and just state, reinforcing its institutions so that the unity of the Lebanese people remains the strongest weapon in defending Lebanon and asserting its right to freedom, independence, and sovereignty.

3. Electing a President: The summit urges all Lebanese to fulfill their duties towards their country, beginning with the re-establishment of constitutional institutions. The Parliament must immediately begin the process of electing a President of the Republic who enjoys the confidence of all Lebanese, in accordance with the constitution, and through the greatest possible understanding and consensus, based on a unified Lebanese will, in the spirit of the national pact, prioritizing national interests over external ones.

4. Implementing UN Resolution 1701: The immediate and full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 is essential. This includes supporting and enhancing the capabilities of the Lebanese Army to defend Lebanon, ensuring its wide deployment south of the Litani River and across all Lebanese regions. The Lebanese government, as the guardian of executive authority, must fully assume its responsibilities and cooperate with Parliament, according to the constitution, to mobilize the efforts and resources of Arab and international allies to assist in Lebanon's recovery.

5. Solidarity Among Lebanese: The summit reaffirmed the unity of the Lebanese people and the need for mutual support during these difficult times of widespread anxiety. There is an urgent need for the Lebanese to return to what serves their shared interests and the interests of Lebanon, under the conditions and protection of the Lebanese state. This means that the state must retain control over national decisions, defend its sovereignty, protect its people’s dignity, and be the sole authority over all Lebanese territory.

6. Acknowledging Lebanese Solidarity: The summit expressed gratitude and appreciation to all Lebanese for the noble initiatives they have shown in all regions, demonstrating their authenticity and patriotism in supporting each other, especially in their efforts to aid displaced Lebanese, forced to leave their villages and homes by Israeli aggression. The summit emphasized the importance of hosting these displaced guests until they can return to their towns and villages, while ensuring the necessary care and respect for individual property rights, rejecting any form of encroachment on people or their possessions.

7. Gratitude to Arab and International Allies: The summit thanked Lebanon’s Arab and international allies for their initiatives, including political, material, medical, and food aid. They called on these countries to intensify their efforts in supporting Lebanon to end the Israeli aggression and reinforce the resilience of its people, as Lebanon is now a disaster-stricken nation deserving support from all friendly and allied countries, as well as international and humanitarian organizations, to restore dignity to those displaced and to rebuild what has been destroyed.

8. Appreciation for UN Peacekeepers: The summit expressed gratitude to the UN peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon for their efforts and sacrifices in maintaining the safety of Lebanon’s southern borders and the residents of that region. The summit valued their commitment to remain in their positions despite unjustified Israeli provocations, aimed at erasing all evidence of the brutal massacres committed against Lebanon. The international community was urged to support and protect these forces.

9. Reaffirmation of the Palestinian Cause: The summit emphasized that the central issue around which many of the region’s concerns revolve remains the just Palestinian cause, still awaiting a comprehensive and fair solution that will grant Palestinians a homeland and an independent sovereign state, as outlined in the Arab Peace Initiative from the Beirut Summit in 2002. This solution must be achieved through a just and lasting resolution, sponsored by the United Nations, key international capitals, and Arab allies, to ensure peace and end the ongoing tragedy.

In conclusion, the participants prayed to God, the Lord of Peace, to grant us lasting, comprehensive, and just peace, and to make us builders of peace. They also prayed for divine protection over Lebanon and its people, asking for the strength and hope needed to withstand this catastrophe, to strengthen national unity, sovereignty, freedom, and the integrity of Lebanon’s territories."



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