Wednesday 26 Jun 2024 - 12:00

12:04 pm


Druze Sheikh Al-Aql in his Adha sermon calls for avoiding dual loyalty, protecting the state & constitution against total collapse

NNA - Sheikh Al-Akl of the Unitarian Druze Sect, Dr. Sami Abi Al-Muna, led today the prayers marking the Adha Eid, where he considered that we are facing a state of anxiety regarding our fate in wake of the current circumstances prevailing in the country and the region.

He said: "The national and moral duty requires us to rise above quarrels and scattered interests, and to agree on the supreme national interest, out of compassion for the suffering people and to protect the state and the constitution before the total collapse occurs..."

He called on the Lebanese sides “to come together over a unified word and rise above sectarian goals and dual loyalty, to emerge from the dark tunnel of internal tension towards the required national rapprochement, and from the destructive furnace of war in Palestine and southern Lebanon to the oasis of victory, security, and peace.”

Abi Al-Muna raised prayers to the Lord Almighty for the salvation of our state, for the desired dialogue, consultation, and internal solidarity to occur, and to work together to strengthen the relationship with the Arab brothers who constitute the depth of our civilization. He also prayed for our people in Palestine who are being subjected to the ugliest types of massacres in full view of the civilized world, in which they are unable to find anything that would lift the injustice or inspire hope.



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