Friday 20 Sep 2024 - 12:00

03:15 am


"Using BDL reserves to finance government expenditures in dollars a serious measure, violation of monetary & credit law," warns Makhzoumi

NNA – MP Fouad Makhzoumi tweeted today: “Using the Banque du Liban reserve to finance the government’s expenditures in dollars and not in Lebanese pounds is a serious and wrong measure that violates the monetary and credit law...”

He added: “The government could have replaced this with reform measures related to public financial policy, in addition to the Finance Ministry carrying out its duties and tasks by collecting taxes and fees from marine property, controlling and closing illegal crossings, putting an end to tax evasion...This government has randomly employed a large number of employees within the Ministry of Finance who do not carry out the duties of collecting taxes, and wishes to borrow from the Banque du Liban in dollars, with money that will go to items of state expenditures, while what is required today is to improve state finances, rationalize dollar spending and protect tax revenues from inflation.”



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