Friday 20 Sep 2024 - 12:00

05:54 am


Makhzoumi says IMF report a "warning bell" for the government & parliament

NNA - MP Fouad Makhzoumi tweeted today: "The report of the International Monetary Fund, which was issued yesterday, is a wake-up call to the government, parliament and all those concerned, that matters have reached a very high degree of seriousness and that we are facing an unprecedented economic catastrophe caused by the wrong monetary and financial policies of successive governments and the Central Bank of Lebanon."

He added, "The numbers included in the report crossed all red lines, especially with regard to the Lebanese lira's losing more than 98% of its value, the recording of inflation at unprecedented rates, the central bank losing two-thirds of its foreign exchange reserves, and the expectation that public debt would reach 550% of GDP by 2027, in addition to the unemployment rate that has reached 40%."

Makhzoumi stressed, "It is necessary to stop at every paragraph of this report and move immediately to complete the final agreement with the IMF and start implementing reforms and keep the presidential election sessions open without disruption, so that we do not reach worse conditions."



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