Monday 23 Sep 2024 - 12:00

12:30 am


Borrell: For the full and equal implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701

NNA - The High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, issued a statement on the escalation of hostilities, in which he stressed that "the European Union is deeply concerned by the escalation in Lebanon following the attacks on Friday in Beirut - which killed at least three children - and the increase in cross-border violence between Israel and Hezbollah. Reports today also indicate violent attacks in both Israel and Lebanon."

He considered that "it is urgent to reach a ceasefire along the Blue Line as well as in Gaza."

Borell concluded by considering that "civilians on both sides of the border are paying a heavy price. They will also suffer the most in a full-scale war that must be avoided, including through renewed intensive diplomatic mediation efforts. This will be at the top of our agenda at the UN General Assembly," renewing the call for "the full and equal implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701."



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