Friday 20 Sep 2024 - 12:00

05:54 am


NNA - 

Time             Topic 

2:00 pm       Cultural Christmas event titled "Mary's Tears - Gaza Tragedies," organized by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Iranian Embassy, held at the National Library in Beirut. The event features the participation of the spouse of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Ilm al-Huda, lecturer at Shahid Beheshti University, who is visiting Lebanon upon the invitation of Caretaker Minister of Culture, Judge Mohammad Wissam Al-Mortada.

4:00 pm     Protest titled "Cancer Patients in Lebanon: Facing Death or the Government”, organized by the "Barbara Nassar Association," demanding the right of cancer patients to receive their treatment with dignity. The protest will take place at Riad El Solh Square, in front of the Grand Serail in Beirut.




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