Friday 20 Sep 2024 - 12:00

02:31 pm


NNA - 

8:00 am        The International Islamic Charitable Society commemorates the tenth of Muharram in the courtyard of the International Secondary School - Ras Al-Nabaa - Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Street.

"Hezbollah" marches in Baalbek streets starting from Sit Khawla shrine to Ras Al-Imam Al-Hussein mosque.

March marking the tenth of Muharram in the city of Tyre.


10:30 am      Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdel-Latif Darian, receives at Dar al-Fatwa French Ambassador, Anne Grillo.

7:00 pm       Nasserite Popular Party in Sidon commemorates 21 years since the death of Mustafa Saad at Marouf Saad Cultural Center in Sidon.




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