Saturday 21 Sep 2024 - 12:00

10:43 pm


Time      Topic

10:00      Protest stands organized by liberal professions' syndicates, in preparation for subsequent escalatory steps

10:00      Editors' Syndicate organizes a protest stand at its headquarters in Hazmieh, in objection against the passing of the Capital Control Bill, and the continued withdrawal restrictions on the Syndicate's deposits and funds

10:00     Protest stand by the Lebanese Doctors Syndicate in Beirut, in refusal of the Capital Control Bill....Professor Sharaf Abu Sharaf will be holding a press conference at the Doctor's House in Furn El-Chebbak to address the banks' tightened money withdrawal restrictions on doctors and various other issues

10:00     Training course on covering the Lebanese parliamentary elections, organized by the "Women in the News" Program of the World Organization of Newspapers and News Publishers "WAN-EFRA", taking place on the campus of St. George University in Ashrafieh - near St. George Hospital (lasts for 3 days)

11:00      Lebanese Press Editors Syndicate, in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists, launches the declaration on press freedom and independence at the Syndicate's headquarters in Hazmieh

18:00       Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Beirut, Archbishop Elias Audi, presides over Mass at St. George's Cathedral in Central Beirut



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