Sunday 22 Sep 2024 - 12:00

12:28 am


Time.       Topic

An open strike by employees of the State Employees Cooperative "to restore salaries to their purchasing power as they were before the start of the crisis."


Program of the visit of the Iraqi Minister of Industry and Minerals, Manhal Aziz Al-Najjar:

 9:00 Meeting with Prime Minister Najib Mikati at the Grand Serail.

10:00 Official talks at the Ministry of Industry - Badaro

11:00 Visit to the Industrial Research Institute in Hadad - the campus of the Lebanese University

14:00 A Meeting with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri in Ain El-Tineh

 14:30 A meeting with industrialists and businessmen at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Beirut and Mount Lebanon in Hamra

11:00.      MP Ibrahim Kanaan chairs a meeting of the Finance and Budget Committee


==================== R.K

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