Sunday 08 Sep 2024 - 12:00

03:36 am


Lebanon’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounces Israeli Knesset’s decision rejecting establishment of Palestinian state

NNA - Lebanon’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants on Friday condemned in a statement, the Israeli Knesset’s decision rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state, saying this decision constitutes a serious violation of international law, the international legitimacy resolutions, and the two-state solution principle.

The Ministry considered that "this decision cautions the international community of the need to put an end to the Israeli occupation, and launch a serious and effective political process that pushes towards a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian cause on the basis of the two-state solution, based on the relevant international resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative that was launched at the Beirut Summit in 2002."

The Ministry also called on "the international community and the United Nations to play the required role by pressuring Israel, which prevents the establishment of an independent, viable Palestinian state, thus undermining all chances for stability in the region, and threatening regional and international peace and security."


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